War Horse

Daily Research - 05/15/2021

Day 112 - Military and patriots are in control! We won!! Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming....We won...We won...We won....Stay with us. Detective work begins with dealing with reality and the facts...researching and asking questions...and coming up with logical conclusions. Is the MSM helping with this process? Not hardly. When we stop being spoon fed lies...and start thinking with a right perspective everything changes. War Horse is hearing lots of people wringing their hands in despair about the Colombia Pipeline…

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Daily Research 05/14/2021

Day 111 - Military and patriots are in control! We won!! Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming....We are almost there!! Fauci is a Jesuit...Fauci is part of their little criminal enterprise...a Global Crime Syndicate. What is behind it? Here we go. Question everlything... Pass this information on...we are all in this together... Motivation from President Trump...who is still our President. Stay with him....even the pipeline shut down has 17 all over it. The good guys are in charge, so we…

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Daily Research - 05/10/2021

Day 106 - Military and patriots are in control! We won!! Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming....Good Morning!! We are still winning!! Thought War Horse would fill everyone in on why the posting has been light. On a personal side...My Dad is on his way to going to heaven...and his care has been overwhelming and difficult. This week we enlisted some extra help and it has been both a little sad and a relief. Life sometimes consumes a lot of…

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Daily Research - 05/04/2021

Day 101 - Military and patriots are in control! We won!! Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming....Dismantling a Global Crime Syndicate isn't for the faint of heart. We have to remember to keep all things in perspective...ask questions...dig for connections...look for patterns...and try to evaluate motive or pay out. It is always there if we look. Never take things at face value. War Horse posted some "subversive news" so that we can look at it and not have fear initiated.

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Daily Research - 05/03/2021

Day 101 - Military and patriots are in control! We won!! Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming....What's the focus? Election fraud...Election fraud....Election fraud...FRAUD. Most of what we are seeing is optics...we were told that vehemently. We are seeing manipulated information at such an alarming rate that to get our minds around what is real and what isn't is very concerning/confusing to most...if it isn't...it should be. At any rate there are ways to combat it and cut through the nonsense.

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