War Horse

Daily Research - 01/20/2021

Watching History in the MakingToday some interesting pieces are coming together and we are watching history in the making. As a army of Patriots we all have our part to play. Our Patriotic calling is to stay calm, help spread good information - which the MSM propaganda media has been actively working to subvert. Our country is entering at the time of glorious end of the battle. We are removing the corrupt old guard and taking back our country from…

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Daily Research - 01/19/2021

For God Family and Country!!! A Day to be proud of our country...our military - what America stands for as we take a stand!!We fight for freedom - equality - justice - truth - righteousness - equal protection under a just and enforceable law!! It's been years in the planning and digital soldiers all over the world are celebrating!!! We are watching history in the making. Eyes open...here we go...out of the trenches and running!!! Getting ready to end the…

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Daily Research - 01/18/2021

Documents are flooding onto the battlefield. There is a ton of movement - will be posting throughout the day as it comes in. Big threads following to document connections and indications of criminality. Not big on betting on dates but all chatter is saying the same thing... If there are any announcements to stay home and stay out of the way...listen to them. The military is in position to shift control to the military until they get things sorted out. You…

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President Trump's Achievements

Looking at the list of achievements gives us the overall basis to understand effectiveness, and once again the framework of what is being achieved during President Trump's Presidency. Looking at this list not only is there unprecedented economic gains, but we are seeing both innovation in dealing with complex problems with an emphasis on the American worker... and also being a good steward of the American tax dollar. The work we do and the taxes we pay into the government belongs…

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Daily Research - 01/17/2021

Happy Q Day!Get Ready - intel coming in hard and fast...gonna be a late night. There is a long history to explain how the United States was sold out in 1871 and became a corporation rather than a sovereign nation. It has to do with changing capitalization of the term in a legal the legal document and is tied to the Central Banking System. (Follow the money.) Most people missed it at the time and missed that the United States…

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