War Horse

Daily Research - 01/30/2021

Day 10 - Foreign Occupation the battle rages on!!Again...We won!!! We are just in the biggest cleanup operation the world has ever seen.It's interesting how the rigged system is being exposed!!! And it's glorious!!! Every day a piece of the puzzle of their little Global Crime Syndicate "game" is being exposed. Researchers have known for a long time about the intentional corruption and maleficence in the system...nothing we are seeing is new. It is just that the veil which kept…

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Daily Research - 01/29/2021

Day 9 - Foreign OccupationEvery day we are learning of the complicity and complexity of the MSM, financial institutions, caught red handed with the congress in their pocket!! Hedge fund liars exposed for their damage to America. The big money Banksters are working hand in hand, both manipulating a "free market economy" and literally controlling the profit mechanism which only benefits them. We are really starting to get to SEE what is going on behind the scenes of the Global…

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Daily Research - 01/28/2021

Day 8 - Foreign Occupation War Horse has been extremely busy archiving. When finding files save immediately. They will get removed or moved around and then the search for them begins again. Will be putting up archived content that has been saved throughout the day. Please help the Patriots fight by passing this information on. Digital Warriors call of duty. The MSM Propaganda media is counting on a scared population to stop thinking and taking information in at face value. Well…

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Prayer - Trust God has a Plan

God always wins!!!! Father thank you for always being with us - guiding us and ensuring our future. We put all our trust in you - knowing that we don't have the plan...but you always do!! We know that we are winning - because you are leading us ... and you always win. This is where our faith is perfected. Please give us steadfast hearts, bravery, courage and the resolve to stay in this, finishing the race strong and unwavering.

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Daily Research - 01/27/2021

Day 8 - Foreign Occupation War Horse has been extremely busy archiving. When finding files save immediately. They will get removed or moved around and then the search for them begins again. Will be putting up archived content that has been saved throughout the day. Please help the Patriots fight by passing this information on. Digital Warriors call of duty. Nothing changes under the sun...however anything is possible with God and a group of patriots who have had their homes, lives,…

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