Daily Research - 07/25/2021

Day 182 - Military and patriots are in control! We won!! Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming....(this is a clue BTW...NCSWIC)

What a time to be alive!! This is truly a time where the character of people is all out there for all to see.  The truth of the corruption of this world is being brought out from dark to light.  We can't fix things if we can't see what needs to be fixed...all of it.  Seems like a time of sifting the wheat from the chaff. 

In our process of "Question everything" and see what stands the test of time...this is a wonderful time to reflect and look at the world with discernment and wisdom.  Thought you might enjoy this.  God wins...God always wins.  



Election/Voter Fraud...





Q Decodes for new people...

Let's expand this into looking into Pegasus...


World Events....


War Horse wants to preface information with - we listen to everything to question...to be informed...but never to spread fear.  NO FEAR we stand unwavering!!  This is a great video!


Covid - lies and eugenics...

Strategy - Anons, Q Posts, and News Bites...



For those of you who are new...War Horse posts throughout the day...Check back later for more.

