Daily Research - 05/15/2021

Day 112 - Military and patriots are in control! We won!! Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming....

We won...We won...We won....Stay with us.

Detective work begins with dealing with reality and the facts...researching and asking questions...and coming up with logical conclusions. Is the MSM helping with this process? Not hardly. 

When we stop being spoon fed lies...and start thinking with a right perspective everything changes.  War Horse is hearing lots of people wringing their hands in despair about the Colombia Pipeline shut down.  This is a psy-op.  Period. We have to connect the dots, research, ask questions and draw some conclusions based on the evidence.  We get to be a judge and jury of the facts!! We all know that the compromised judicial system can't assess anything without someone compromising both the information and outcome...and getting a pay off or their buddies getting a pay off.  If snakes sit in the seat wearing wigs...well we can predict the outcome.  And that's what we have.  

So we get to look at the facts and start drawing a picture of reality.  If we decide to abdicate our responsibility...well we get fed what the zoo keepers feed us...and it's probably not going to be the choice cuts.  What about the food supply?  Who made mustard gas during WW2? Bayer...well after the war what did they go into? Pharmaceuticals...coincidence? I think not.  Then who did they merge with Monsanto...GMO/Round up ready crops.  Which is a whole can of worms of what glyphosates do to our bodies and livers  (look up Dr. Stephanie Seneff.)

And now they are on to Gene therapy posing as a vaccination...

Sad thing is that we have been programmed since birth to follow without questioning...even if we follow instructions which lead to our own deaths and the deaths of others.  How do we stop the cycle?  Get right with God...and have a standard for starters.  Think logically...if it doesn't make sense...kick it to the curb.  Anyhow, due to feedback, War Horse assumes that videos are helpful...especially ones about history.  There is a reason we were told that Israel would be last in the dismantling of the old guard.  War Horse stands strongly with the Jewish People.  However, there are wolves in sheep's clothing in every organization, political party, country, race, company, religious organization...and we have to be wise and not cast aspersions on the people or divide...but call out the subversive impostors who have waged war upon God's children everywhere.  We need to evaluate everything without bias...equal scales under the law.  This is and has always been a fight between Principalities and Powers...good and evil.  We have only just seen the tip of the iceberg...


General Flynn...

When General Flynn says something...we pay attention.  He is our number one Patriot General.  He is the people's General...just as President Trump is the people's president.   Here is his list of who to trust concerning voter fraud. 




War Horse posted"The Fall of the Cabal Sequel 1-6" in the previous post.  Here is the original 6 Episodes in Series "The Fall of the Cabal."  War Horse will aggregate videos in a videos tab.  If the internet goes dark...no worries...we have it all. Remember what you were taught...we will be back and nothing is lost.  



Q Decodes for new people...

Very Significant video....

World Events....



Covid - Corey Digs...

Corey digs is an amazing example of good research.  This is a wonderful resource for Opt out from the Covid gene therapy.



If we study this...we will be able to have a great defense or our legal rights to refuse the gene therapy covid vaccine. (Maybe we should print this off for a reference...or to hand to them so they know that their behavior isn't going to be tolerated.)



Covid lies and eugenics continue...

Odd Covid showed up as a "created" virus in 2008...

Interesting how they scrubbed the Covid Patent...why would they do that?  Sounds like what they were doing with the voter fraud info.  Erase, delete, destroy evidence. Bad news for them, electronic transmissions live forever...Patriots make sure of it. 


Strategy - Anons, Q Posts, and News Bites...




For those of you who are new...War Horse posts throughout the day...Check back later for more.
