Daily Research - 03/25/2021

Day 63- Military and patriots are in control! We won!! Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming....

Well the distraction is in full swing.  There have been in "excuse for firearm seizing" - "false flag shootings".... they have been beating the "divide and conquer drum"  - "everyone is a racist"...blah blah blah "white privilege"... and now on to the next act...  "gun control for idiots."  

Question - if socialism is so great...why don't all the socialist/communists go to an already socialist/communist country?  It would be cheaper for us to buy them a ticket and send them to their utopia, so the rest of us can move on to rebuilding this country.  But I digress.  They stopped the boarder wall construction (Current cost to stop work $250 million - 1/2 the cost of the total project - JUST TO STOP CONSTRUCTION FOR 2 MONTHS)  because they just want to control the masses.  They use infiltration to cause the crisis - uptick in crime - deliberately making us feel unsafe and then taking our only means of protection.  So the next act is gun control.  

Well it's time to use their narrative against them...like we have every other lame attempt they have launched.  First of all they are stupid.  They are parading out  politics against a superior military effort.  Let them expend their energy!! Pretty sure we are actually incarcerating global criminals that cross the border.  Let them commit the crime and then you catch them.  Are we in fact catching an infiltrating army?  Where is Antifa? Where is BLM? We hardly hear of them any more...why? They good guys had infiltrated them and they have been effectively neutralized.  You only see them pop up occasionally...just catching more stragglers.  Coat tail idiots. 

We can take heart and not get caught up in the fear porn of gun control.  God is on our side and so are some amazing selfless patriots. 








Strategy - Anons, Q Posts, and News Bites...


Next distraction?... what is the core issue?... the criminal activities of the Global Crime Syndicate.  Stay with us...




We got this...What we need to do is help people see the truth - Pass on information and help educate them as they break away from the propaganda. 



For those of you who are new...War Horse posts throughout the day...Check back later for more.
