Daily Research - 02/04/2021

Day 14 - Foreign Occupation

Economic playbook is right out in the open.  It has been for a while, and we can see it starting with Trump's economic policies, EOs(Executive Orders), statements, and decrees.  We have been told that we would be brought to the precipice in the Q drops...and we are getting there.  The Fed has been restructured under the Treasury and is no longer a Foreign privately held entity controlled by the Central Bank/IMF/CFR and all the players involved in 3-letter agencies - a public face/farce of the Global Crime Syndicate. 

They have done a great job packaging themselves as guardians and gate keepers of public trust.  They set themselves up to be the "trusted" fact of International money wizards.  They also set themselves up as guardians of the most vulnerable on the planet by heading up global initiatives to help those without defense...and then they used that position to exploit them while laughing at the rest of the world for giving them the money to commit the most horrific crimes upon their victims that the world has ever known. Gobbels would be proud of them...because they are in the same sick club.  We never won WW2...they got the UN put in place and that was the goal-a global power structure with their own "peace keeping" army.  How many pedophiles and sick people hide in these 501c3s so that they have access?? There are a lot...it is shocking.

We are focusing on the issues that directly affect the public currently-economics and political corruption...but it's coming.  And that is seeing what they have done to others-people.  It has only just begun.  The chatter out there yesterday was a little telling on the back channels.  They are ramping up the info dissemination in a sort of soft intro sort of way, and the shift in information coming out yesterday was perceptible to researchers.  Declass is much more than just FISA infractions.  It's much more than a corrupt election process, political arena, economic manipulation, corporations manipulating the public...it is the state sanctioned trafficking of children/people...drug running on our military planes...Presidents involved and calling the shots...mass murder by ..... (it's coming.) Here's some question starting with the easy ones...How easy is it to launder money if the Red Cross is involved? Who is Laura Silsby? What happened in Haiti? What is going on in North Sentinel Island? 

These questions and their answers are a good start...and we need to confront them all.  But we need to keep going because there are other harder questions that need to be answered... 

Cynthia McKinney...every word this brave woman speaks is worth listening to... 

Economic News is going to drive the events currently.  They have to take down the money channels to put a stop to them being able to fund their criminal enterprises.  Cut off their avenues of operation, human trafficking, drug trafficking, political terrorism lanes and you stop the activity.  The Social Justice Zombies - ANTIFA/BLM mind victims who have bought the Kool-aid -"boarder wall is bad", have no idea that the boarder was a human trafficking super highway.  There is an entire system world wide, because human beings are a currency all of their own. 

Look into John of God...He's a monster in Brazil pushed by Oprah. Convicted of human trafficking in a court of law.  He kept "breeders" - women just to produce babies to sell and then when he was done...well the human organ market is more lucrative way to finish them off...and make money...a lot of money. But I digress...

Economic News directly affecting us...

Let's get caught up with Dave.  X22 is a trusted source confirmed by a military source.

Strategy - Anons, Qposts and News Bites...

911 is it's own category of anomalies.  A real investigation needs to take place...Smoke and Mirrors.  There is so much that was hidden...and many people murdered to silence the truth. Question everything...


What is this that they are building...huge structure in front of the White House?


Thankfully we have Patriots who were willing to step in and pull us back from the precipice of destruction.  Now we just get to see the extent of their crimes...never interfere with the enemy when it is destroying itself.  For Example...

Who is in control?? White House can't access visitor logs? 


Myanmar is big...

is it a map of what is going to happen here? Military is the only way.



Pence...strange quote...




Suspicious Resignations and Deaths

If you think nothing is happening, there are an unusual amount of high level ... connected/coordinated resignations and suspicious deaths. We know McCain was "put to death." So we can know that the corrupt Justice Department and FBI are worthless and the control was passed to the military.  Military tribunals for treason, or crimes against humanity are most certainly in progress.  You can watch military air activity and know that there has been unusual flight patterns to GITMO and other black op sights...confirmed by military insiders. 


Here is an important resource...


