Daily Research - 01/10/2021
This is going to be looked back on the biggest days in the history of the United States of America. There is so much information coming in today that it is shocking. We have been told that "The First Public Arrest" would be shocking...I think we have it. We are checking in for verification but, all roads lead to Rome.
There is evidence that Italy and players there were really behind the election fraud. This is huge.
Was the Pope arrested today?
What is happening in DC and many airports accross the United States?
Are there 6000 troops on the ground in DC?
Did the Insurrection Act of 1907 get signed today?
This is getting Crazy....
Washington - Troop movement and Insurrection act...
Still think nothing is happening?? Huge Military Presence in Washington...

Election Fraud - Italy
Whistle blower testimonial on how it went down...In the Rome Embassy on the second floor
Communication Received....
2021 This came from a valuable source. ... We know there was fraud but our senators were scared by the Mob Atifa to take a stand. THIS IS BIG !! 1-9-20 #italydidit this hashtag is all over the world but our country is being censored. Parler, twitter, etc crushing story Trump has it 1,000%!!! In a couple weeks you will be crying tears of joy and cheering at the same. When Trump is ready, he will announce it over the Emergency Broadcasting System. Twitter, FB and other socialist social media groups that think they’ve stopped Trump will look like deer caught in the headlights. The frosting on the cake was last night when the Congresspersons ran out of the House, 15 left their laptops on the tables. Trump supporters picked them up and gave them to the correct authorities, Trump's people. Among those left behind was Nancy Pelosi’s!! Trump will start releasing the Declass. You will be shocked in horror just looking at videos, copies of bank statements, emails and the depths of evil. Every party, every department, every administration for decades. The reason we had to go through all this drama was for people to become aware, angry and ready to look at the evidence and demand justice. It will take months just to get all the big stories out. You will be glad Trump just moved the two huge Prison Barges to Gitmo. This adds another 12,000 inmates to the already greatly expanded prison. The arrests will include small town mayors to former Presidents and First Ladies including Michael Obama. Judges, police chiefs, billionaires, media, Hollywood and many foreign leaders. I’m telling you this because some of you are worried and I’m concerned about your health and well-being. Trump announced there will be a peaceful transition to the new administration. Some of you read that wrong. The new administration is his, he will be bringing a lot of new people, it will look and run completely different. Trump needed the drama of the last two months to see who he could use. He now knows. Be patient, don’t listen to the news, even Christian Conservative programs are clueless on what’s going on. There is no perfect station to go to but there are people in the know you can trust. They are DJT, Sidney Powell, Lin Wood and Gen Flynn. It’s only a few more days and it will start to roll out. Some of it will be hard to believe, but they have all hard evidence that’s easy to understand. This has taken a lot longer than any of us wanted, but every minute was important and worth it. Trump could have stopped it much earlier but he needed you to see it, catch all involved and stop these crime families that have been stealing our country for generations. Goodnight and God Bless. Arch Bonneman -- COPIED: Sidney Powell says that despite the fact that they certified the electors, President Trump still has the full power of the foreign interference E.O. to toss out the whole thing. Lin wood also says Trump will be in for the next 4. Despite what you are hearing. He has the sworn affidavit from Italy from how they rigged the numbers for Biden which was delivered to Trump, Gohmert, Flynn and to the senate and house members at 1:12 pm Wednesday Jan 6th before they certified the election. So they knowingly certified a fraudulent election. Also Wednesday before president Trump spoke, they and 25 other American citizens filed a grand jury investigation which was given to them in the US constitution. It has been used 8 times in our history with a 100% success rate. Unless Trump concedes, which he has not done despite what the news is saying... Biden will not be the president on January 20th. #italydidi
Italy - Pope Arrested and Connections with Obama? What is happening there threatd by MareQ

Article - Vatican Blackout: Pope arrested on 80 count indictment for Child Trafficking, Fraud

Control Center Fire Shuts Down Half of Mexico City subway Lines

Blitzen Rumored to be Tommy G....😎

Pope Names special Prosecutor, no reason given - Catholic Herald
Over all info coming in...

Comms are going dark-save off line and expect communications to go dark

Big Tech is attacking Free Speech and censoring the President of the United States.
Apple is expected to turn off Parler. Twitter had a huge purge last night-Silencing people who expressed support for President Trump, Q and/or connected to General Flynn.

Tech Article - How to Disable or Restrict Apps from Getting Deleted

Washington - What is happening